Sunday, November 05, 2006

Happy Pugs

Indian Pugs
Hawaiian Pugs (that's Libby in the multi colored)
Cowboy pugs
Pretty Black Pugs dressed in Pink
Just plain pugs
Groups of Pugs (that's Libby, on the right)
I'd guess there were a couple of hundred pugs at this years Southeast Pug Rescue Assoc. Pug Fest. What a hoot!


Anonymous said...

Pug Fest! How awesome is that? Great pics - thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to see your pictures! Thanks for posting them. Libby is so beautiful in costume or not! How did she do with all the other pugs? I've wondered how Phoebe would act.

Anonymous said...

Now that is a lot of Pug Mugs!

So very, very cute.