I'm on the last portion of the 1/2 century mark. Woe is me.
Icarus is done except the border. One problem, I am out of yarn. I have just enough to bind off. What to do? Any suggestions? I went to Elann's website last night but they're out of it in my color. 4 rows short of being done and all out of yarn. That STINKS! It's Peruvian Baby Cashmere if anyone has any, color red. But, what would happen if I just bind off? Mess it up?
BTB is taking me out for the day and he said I had to be ready at 8:45 to leave the house. So, this birthday girl needs to get in the shower and get out the door.
Have a great day, on me!
Happy Knitting!
Happy birthday! I hope you're having a terrific, fun day. I love the picture! Unfortunately, I don't have any of that yarn. I know there's a web site for knitters tyring to sell their stash, but I wonder if there is a web site for people wanting a certain yarn? I hope you figure out a good solution.
Happy Birthday! I hope your day is wonderful! I hope you find the yarn you need.
Thank you Karen and Beth for the birthday wishes. I had a GREAT day! Food, fiber and more food! It was lots of fun, just BTB and I, for 12 hours! Wonderful day.
I'm glad you had such a good day. I was wondering if fiber would be involved... :)
Happy (belated) birthday!
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