Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter, Dents and Growing up

Let me first wish whoever stops by the Scrappy Knitter blog a very Happy, Blessed Easter.

We had another minor mishap with a car. Nope, not Ruby this time, she's had enough bangs lately. And no, it wasn't the oldest daughter, whose car we just paid to have fixed after her little mishap at a red light (yeah, sometimes the guy in front of you stops, then goes but you must pay attention to that second stop - gets you every time when you're not looking.) It was the Baby Girl and Silva! Remember Silva, my Honda CRV? It's hers now. We went shopping yesterday for a dress for her upcoming Formal (that I can't even be there to see) and when she was leaving a really nice guy in a red pickup backed out almost at the same time as she did and he clipped her right on the back corner of the car. So, another dent to fix, another insurance paper to file, another gray hair for me. That means that the 3 women (are they really women already?) in this family have either hit (2 of us did the hitting) or been hit and damaged our cars in the last 4 weeks! That's scary. No picture of Silva's dent cause they aren't home today, but it's there, plain as day.

Okay, this part might sound winy, but I'm really not wining. But, if any of you are empty nesters (I know one of you is), what in the world do you do when there's no kids around? When my kids are here I'm so busy, running around waiting on everyone, keeping the little one's entertained, keeping the Father/Grandfather out of everyone's hair (he's not as kid 'friendly' as I am), but then they all leave and what do you do? Even the oldest granddaughter comes over and is perfectly happy sitting on the couch playing with my computer or texting her friends, but I'm there to laugh with them, polish fingernails, laugh at whatever silly thing she did in school. Then she's gone. The Baby Girl comes home from Alabama and we go shopping, eat lunch out, talk, stay up late and watch every episode of House (my "other man"), talk, then she goes back to Alabama. The oldest doesn't come over much anymore cause she's in school, works part time, and then has kids to deal with when she's not at school or working. The Baby Boy lives so far away I don't see him much unless I go to Atlanta to visit him. We have so much fun in the big city. We eat out just about every night, we shop, we stay up all night being goofy (we both love to sing), we share the same best friend. Then I have to leave and go back home. It's really weird to me to not have any kids around. I always wanted to have lots of kids, till I found out how expensive they were, then I settled for 2, but then we were surprised with #3, the Baby Girl. Now we're empty nesters, he's out of work and home almost every day and I'm going to go nuts not having anyone around to wait on (he waits on me), talk to ( he's not much of a talker), sing with (I DO NOT want the man to sing), laugh with (that we do), so, there's only one thing left to do.

Heading out next week for a long weekend, going to the mountains for a week to visit my parents in June (more on that next time), Florida to stay with my friend down there, Atlanta to see the Baby Boy sometime over the summer, Americus for a week for a Clay shoot with BTB (that means a week of knitting for me), St. Simon's Island for a long weekend with the Oldest Daughter and grandkids (she's going to a wedding and they asked her to stay at their house while they're away, she didn't want to stay along. Heck, it's a beach, I'll go and protect her so she can protect her friends house, yuppers), and then maybe, just maybe I can get to Alabama to visit with the Baby Girl. So, those tail lights are about all you'll see of Ruby and I this summer, but, remember, I have my Pink Mini so I'll be reading blogs, drooling over Ravelry and maybe blogging once or twice.Happy Easter! Happy Knitting!